This option considers global distribution of people, goods, and money, both in the contemporary world and in deep historical time, examining feudalism, trade, imperialism, nationalism, and the socioeconomic impacts of globalization. Some of the themes on which it focuses include: motivations for and experiences of such human movement as migration, exploration, travel, slavery, diaspora, asylum, and exile; demographic change; poverty, wealth, and economic inequality; and political, social, and cultural incentives for and restrictions on circulation (censorship, translation, free trade, prize culture, protectionism, access, privilege, bias).
Courses for Spring 2025
Course Number | Course Title |
AFR 192 | Modern African History |
CED 230 | Development Issues in the Global Context |
CED 425 | International Community and Economic Development |
CMLIT 446 | Postcolonial Literature and Culture |
ECON 104 | Introductory Macroeconomic Analysis and Policy |
ECON 304 | Intermediate Macroeconomic Analysis |
ECON 333 | International Economics |
ECON 433 | Advanced International Trade Theory and Policy |
ECON 434 | International Finance and Open Economy Macroeconomics |
ECON 437 | Multinationals and the Globalization of Production |
ECON 475 | Migration and Development |
EDTHP 220 | Children, Parents and Schools |
ENGL 165N | Work and Literature |
IB 470 | International Development in an African Context |
PLSC 412 | International Political Economy |
PUBPL 304W | Public Policy Analysis |
SOC 023 | Population and Policy Issues |
SOC 209 | Poverty in Africa |
Approved Courses in the Wealth and Inequality Pathway
Course Number | Course Title |
410 | The Global Impact of Education |
AFR 192 | Modern African History |
AFR/PLSC 464 | Globalization, Extractive Industries, and Conflict in Africa |
AFR/PLSC/IB 440 | Globalization and Its Implications |
ANTH 100 | Anthropology of Race and Racism |
ANTH 408 | Anthropological Demography |
ANTH 435 | Ancient Economy |
APLNG 230 | Language and Social Justice |
ASIA/GLIS/PLSC 478 | China and the World |
ASIA/HIST 182 | Asian Trade: Economy, Industrialization and Capitalism in Asia |
BIOET 220N | Ethics, Society, and Science Fiction |
CED 230 | Development Issues in the Global Context |
CED 425 | International Community and Economic Development |
CMLIT 435 | Cultures of Globalization |
CMLIT 446 | Postcolonial Literature and Culture |
ECON 104 | Introductory Macroeconomic Analysis and Policy |
ECON 304 | Intermediate Macroeconomic Analysis |
ECON 333 | International Economics |
ECON 433 | Advanced International Trade Theory and Policy |
ECON 434 | International Finance and Open Economy Macroeconomics |
ECON 437 | Multinationals and the Globalization of Production |
ECON 471 | Growth and Development |
ECON 475 | Migration and Development |
EDTHP 220 | Children, Parents and Schools |
EDTHP 435 | Child Labor and Education in the Global Economy |
EDTHP/SOC 410 | The Global Impact of Education |
EDTHP/SOC 416 | Sociology of Education |
ENGL 165N | Work and Literature |
ENGL 206 | Business and Literature |
ENGL 236N | Inequality: Economics, Philosophy, Literature |
ENGL 460 | Business and Literature |
GEOG 123 | Geography of Developing World |
GEOG 424W | Geography of the Global Economy |
GEOG 497C | Cryosphere & Climate Systems |
HIST 154 | History of Welfare and Poverty in the United States |
HIST 470 | Slavery in the Americas |
IB 470 | International Development in an African Context |
LER 403 | International Human Resource Studies |
LER 475H | Labor in the Global Economy |
LGWR 510 | International Labor Law |
LGWR 520 | Global Workers' Rights (This is a Masters level course--undergraduates should email the instructor to request permission to enroll.) |
LHR 400 | Comparative Employment Relations |
PHIL 408W | Seminar in Social and Political Philosophy |
PLSC 220 | Politics in Developing Areas |
PLSC 408 | Democracy and Its Impacts |
PLSC 412 | International Political Economy |
PLSC 420 | State Making |
PLSC 421 | Analysis of International Political Economy |
PLSC 440 | Globalization and its Impacts |
PLSC 444 | Government and the Economy |
PLSC 446 | Business and Government Relations |
PLSC 453 | Political Processes in Underdeveloped Systems |
PLSC 454 | Government and Politics of Africa |
PLSC 462 | Marxist and Socialist Political Theory |
PLSC 464 | Extractive Industries in Africa |
PLSC 481 | Global Political Economy |
PLSC 487 | International Law and Organizations |
PLSC 488 | Comparative Public Policy |
PLSC 498 | Analytical Political Economy |
PUBPL 304W | Public Policy Analysis |
PUBPL 471 | Economic Inequality and Public Policy |
SOC 023 | Population and Policy Issues |
SOC 209 | Poverty in Africa |
SOC 422 | World Population Diversity |
SOC 424 | Social Change |
SOC 429 | Social Stratification |
SOC 445 | US Immigration |
SOC 452 | Spatial Inequality |
SOC 454 | The City in Postindustrial Society |
SOC 497 | Solving Wicked Social Problems |
WMNST 102 | Women of the African Diaspora |
WMNST 136Y | Race, Gender, and Employment |
WMNST 420W | Gender and International Development |
WMNST 440W | Women in Global Cities |
Courses Outside the Liberal Arts
Course Number | Course Title |
410 | The Global Impact of Education |
CED 230 | Development Issues in the Global Context |
CED 425 | International Community and Economic Development |
EDTHP 435 | Child Labor and Education in the Global Economy |
GEOG 123 | Geography of Developing World |
GEOG 424W | Geography of the Global Economy |
GEOG 497C | Cryosphere & Climate Systems |
IB 470 | International Development in an African Context |
LGWR 510 | International Labor Law |
400 Level Courses With No Prerequisites
Course Number | Course Title |
CMLIT 435 | Cultures of Globalization |
EDTHP 435 | Child Labor and Education in the Global Economy |
WMNST 420W | Gender and International Development |
Majors should select 21 credits in the Option courses.
- 15 credits of these 21 will be in a single Option concentration (no more than 6 credits towards the Option completion are to be from courses in a single department).
- 6 credits of these 21 are from other Options.
- At least 12 credits must be taken at the 400 level or higher.