Courses must be taken at Penn State; courses from abroad are not usable.
Students are advised that registration may be by priority for some courses and that prerequisites are required for many 400-level courses.
“Special topics” (497) courses that are primarily international in focus, and other 400-level international courses not on this list, may be submitted to the International Studies adviser for special approval.
All 400-level courses in foreign language departments (e.g., SPAN, FR, GER, etc.) automatically qualify.
African Studies (AFR)
Course Number | Course Title |
AFR 434
| War and Development in Africa
AFR 440 | Globalization and Its Implications
AFR 444
| African Resources and Development
AFR 446 | Topics in African Art
AFR 447
| Topics in the Art of the African Diaspora
AFR 454
| Government and Politics of Africa
AFR 459 | Culture and World Politics
Agricultural and Extension Education (AEE)
Course Number | Course Title |
AEE 400
| Global Agriculture Education
Agricultural Economics (AG EC)
Anthropology (ANTH)
Course Number | Course Title |
ANTH 422
| Meso-American Archaeology and Ethnography
ANTH 440 | South American Tribal Societies
ANTH 444
| The Evolution of War
ANTH 445W | Ethnographic Film
| Comparative Social Organization
ANTH 451
| Economic Anthropology
ANTH 456 | Cultural Ecology
ANTH 459 | Applied Anthropology
Art History (ART H)
Any 400-level ART H course that is primarily about non-U.S. art/architecture.
Asian Studies (ASIA)
Course Number | Course Title |
ASIA 405
| Seminar in Asian Studies
ASIA 489 | International Culture In East Asia
Biobehavioral Health (BB H)
Course Number | Course Title |
BBH 402 | African Health & Development
BBH 407 | Global Health Equity
Classics (CAMS)
Course Number | Course Title |
CAMS 400W | Comparative Study of the Ancient Mediterranean World
CAMS 440W | Studies in Classical and Ancient Mediterranean Archaeology
CAMS 480 | Greeks and Persians
Communications (COMM)
Course Number | Course Title |
COMM 410 | International Mass Communications
COMM 419 | World Media Systems
COMM 426 | International and Intercultural Strategic Communication
COMM 452 | Topics in International Cinema
COMM 491 | International Telecommunications
Communication Arts and Sciences (CAS)
Course Number | Course Title |
CAS 471 | Intercultural Communication Theory and Research
Community, Environment and Dev’t (CED)
Course Number | Course Title |
CED 450 | International Development, Renewable Resources, and the Environment
Comparative Literature (CMLIT)
Course Number | Course Title |
CMLIT 401Y | The Western Literary Heritage I
CMLIT 404 | Topics in Asian Literature
CMLIT 405 | Inter-American Literature
CMLIT 406 | Women and World Literature
CMLIT 408 | Heroic Literature
CMLIT 422 | African Drama
CMLIT 423 | African Novel
CMLIT 480 | The International Folktale
Crime, Law and Justice (CLJ)
Course Number | Course Title |
CLJ 424 | Drug and Crime |
Earth and Mineral Sciences (EM SC)
Course Number | Course Title |
EMSC 401 | Corporate Finance and Global Business Leadership Strategies
Economics (ECON)
Course Number | Course Title |
ECON 333 | International Economics
ECON 433 | Advanced International Trade Theory and Policy
ECON 434 | International Finance and Open Economy Macroeconomics
ECON 471 | Growth and Development
ECON 472 | Economics of Transition Materials
English (ENGL)
Course Number | Course Title |
ENGL 441 | Chaucer
ENGL 442 | Medieval English Literature
ENGL 444 | Shakespeare
ENGL 445 | Shakespeare’s Contemporaries
ENGL 446 | Milton
ENGL 447 | The Restoration and the Eighteenth Century
ENGL 448 | The English Novel to Jane Austen
ENGL 450 | The Romantics
ENGL 452 | The Victorians
ENGL 453 | Victorian Novel
ENGL 456 | British Fiction, 1900-1945
ENGL 457 | British Fiction Since 1945
ENGL 458 | Twentieth-Century Poetry
ENGL 488 | Modern Continental Drama
ENGL 490 | Women Writers and Their Worlds
Finance (FIN)
Course Number | Course Title |
FIN 407 | Multinational Financial Management
Geography (GEOG)
Course Number | Course Title |
GEOG 418 | Course Name TBD
Health Policy and Administration (H P A)
Course Number | Course Title |
HPA 401 | Comparative Health Systems
History (HIST)
Course Number | Course Title |
HIST 401 | Technology & Society in Modern Asia
HIST 403 | Alexander the Great and the Hellenistic World
HIST 411 | Medieval Britain
HIST 413 | Medieval Celtic Studies
HIST 414 | Renaissance and Reformation
HIST 416 | Zionism
HIST 417 | The Age of Absolutism
HIST 418 | The French Revolution and the Napoleonic Era
HIST 420 | Recent European History
HIST 421 | The History of European Women
HIST 427 | Germany Since 1860
HIST 430 | Eastern Europe in Modern Times
HIST 431 | Black Liberation and American Foreign Policy
HIST 434 | History of the Soviet Union
HIST 436 | Great Britain Under the Tudors and Stuarts, 1485-1688
HIST 437 | Great Britain 1688-1867
HIST 467 | Latin America and the United States
HIST 471Y | Classical Islamic Civilization, 600-1258
HIST 475Y | The Making and Emergence of Modern India
HIST 480 | Japan in the Age of Warriors
HIST 481 | Modern Japan Since 1800
HIST 483 | Middle China
HIST 484 | Course Name TBD
HIST 486 | China in Revolution
International Agriculture (INTAG)
Course Number | Course Title |
INTAG 481 | Problem Solving in Tropical Agriculture
International Business (IB)
Course Number | Course Title |
IB 303 | International Business Operations
IB 403 | International Business and National Policies
IB 404 | Contemporary Issues in International Business
Jewish Studies (J ST)
Course Number | Course Title |
JST 401 | Ancient Technologies and Socio-cultural History in the Ancient Levant
JST 416 | Zionism
JST 420 | Archaeology of the Near East
JST 480 | Greeks and Persians
Labor and Employment Relations (LER)
Course Number | Course Title |
LER 400 | Comparative Employment Relations
Management (MGMT)
Course Number | Course Title |
MGMT 461 | International Management
Marketing (MRKT)
Course Number | Course Title |
MRKT 445 | Global Marketing
Medieval Studies (MEDVL)
Course Number | Course Title |
MEDVL 411 | Medieval Britain
MEDVL 413 | Medieval Celtic Studies
Nutrition (NUTR)
Course Number | Course Title |
NUTR 430 | Global Food Strat
NUTR 421 | Biocultural Perspectives on Public Health Nutrition
Philosophy (PHIL)
Course Number | Course Title |
PHIL 402 | Seminar in European Philosophy
PHIL 410 | Seminar in Philosophy of Science
PHIL 435 | Science and Religon
PHIL 437 | World Philosophies
PHIL 456 | Seminar in Nineteenth Century Philosophy
PHIL 458 | Seminar in Contemporary Philosophy
PHIL 461 | Plato
PHIL 462 | Course Name TBD
PHIL 470 | Course Name TBD
PHIL 471 | Course Name TBD
PHIL 472 | Course Name TBD
PHIL 474 | Kant
PHIL 475 | Course Name TBD
PHIL 476 | Hegel
PHIL 477 | Course Name TBD
PHIL 485 | Heidegger
PHIL 486 | Wittgenstein
PHIL 491 | Course Name TBD
Political Science (PL SC)
Course Number | Course Title |
PLSC 411W | Course Name TBD
PLSC 416 | Course Name TBD
PLSC 413 | Course Name TBD
PLSC 415 | Course Name TBD
PLSC 418W | International Relations Theory
PLSC 439 | The Politics of Terrorism
PLSC 440 | Globalization and Its Implications
PLSC 441 | Course Name TBD
PLSC 454 | Government and Politics of Africa
PLSC 455 | Governments and Politics of Western Europe
PLSC 456 | Politics and Institutions of Latin-American Nations
PLSC 458 | Government and Politics of East Asia
PLSC 467 | International Relations of the Middle East
Religious Studies (RL ST)
Course Number | Course Title |
RLST 407Y | Antisemitisms
RLST 408 | Course Name TBD
RLST 409 | Course Name TBD
RLST 411 | Jewish Studies
RLST 420 | Course Name TBD
RLST 440Y | Course Name TBD
Rural Sociology (R SOC)
Course Number | Course Title |
RSOC 420 | Course Name TBD
Science, Technology, and Society (S T S)
Course Number | Course Title |
STS 430 | Course Name TBD
STS 435 | Course Name TBD
Sociology (SOC)
Course Number | Course Title |
SOC 422 | World Population Diversity
SOC 423 | Social Demography
Theatre Arts (THEA)
Course Number | Course Title |
THEA 401Y | Course Name TBD
THEA 464 | History of Fashion
Women’s Studies (WMNST)
Course Number | Course Title |
WMNST 421 | Course Name TBD
WMNST 490 | Women Writers and Their Worlds