Global and International Studies


Culture and Identity

Culture and Identity

Global economic, political, and cultural processes are bound up with complex questions of culture and identity at the individual, familial, and community levels. Examining how differences in language, ideology, religion, race, gender, ethnicity, and sexual orientation among others impact our sense of self and other, this CULTURE and IDENTITY option considers: foundational expressions of social and cultural values; the formation and contestation of identity over time; the impacts of modernization on individual, family, and community identity; genetic manipulation and modification; and questions of colonization and colonialism on political and cultural structures.

Courses for Spring 2025

Course NumberCourse Title
ADTED 300Social Movements and Education: Global Perspectives
AFAM/HIST 152African American History
AFAM/HIST/WMNST 213YAfrican American Women’s History
AFR 110NIntroduction to Contemporary Africa
AFR 150Africa in Cinema
AFR 192Modern African History
AFR 405African Studies Methodologies
AFR/WMNST 202African Feminisms
AFT 202/WMNST 202Gender Dynamics in Africa
ANTH 45N/45QCultural Diversity: A Global Perspective
APLNG 200Introduction to Language, Culture, and Social Interaction
APLNG 210Global English
APLNG 220Multilingual Lives
ARTH 120Asian Art and Architecture
ASIA 100What is Asia?
ASIA 104Introduction to Buddhism
ASIA 181Introduction to the Religions of China and Japan
ASIA 3Introduction to the Religions of the East
ASIA/CHNS 418Confucius and the Great Books of China
CAMS 004Jewish and Christian Foundations
CAMS 005Ancient Mediterranean Civilizations
CAMS 020Egyptian Civilization
CAMS 025Greek Civilization
CAMS 033Roman Civilization
CAS 271NIntercultural Communication
CAS 455Gender Roles in Communication
CMLIT 010World Literatures
CMLIT 101Race, Gender and Identity in World Literature
CMLIT 107 Exploration, Travel, Migration, and Exile
CMLIT 406Women and World Literature
CMLIT 415World Graphic Novels
CMLIT 438Fantastic Worlds
CMLIT 446Postcolonial Literature and Culture
CMLIT 455Ethics, Justice, and Rights in World Literature
CMLIT 489Contemporary World Fiction
CRIM 453 Women and the Criminal Justice System
DANCE 221Introduction to African Dance and Culture
ENGL 182Literature and Empire
ENGL 245/WMNST 245Introduction to LGBTQ Studies
ENGL 428Asian American Literatures
ENGL 467African American Novel II
FR 138NFrench Culture through Film
FR 139France and the Francophone World
FR 497Francophone Literature
GER 100German Culture and Civilization
GER 157NThe Amish
HIST/ASIA 188Tibet: People, Places, and Space
IT 131Italian American Culture and Civilization
IT 320Intro to Italian Culture
IT 450Nineteenth-Century Italian Literature
IT 490Dante in Translation
KOR 121Korean Popular Culture
LTNST 100Introduction to Latina/s Studies
OLEAD 410Leadership in a Global Context
PHIL 008Gender Matters
PHIL 114Feminist Philosophy
PHIL 139Latino/a Philosophy
PUBPL 120NState, Society, and Public Policy
RLST 001Introduction to World Religions
RLST/ARAB 164Introduction to the Qur'an
RUS 100Russian Culture and Civilization
RUS 141YRussian Literature in English Translation: 1800-1870
RUS 144Multicultural Russia: Narratives of Race and Ethnicity in Russian Literature and Culture
SOC 451Health, Disease & Society
SOC 457Jewish Communities: Identity, Survival, and Transformation in Unexpected Places
SPAN 474Many Mexicos
WMNST 245/ENGL 245Introduction to LGBTQ Studies

Approved Courses in the Culture and Identity Pathway

Course NumberCourse Title
ADTED 300Social Movements and Education: Global Perspectives
AFAM/HIST 152African American History
AFAM/HIST/WMNST 213YAfrican American Women’s History
AFAM/SOC 103Racism and Sexism
AFR 110NIntroduction to Contemporary Africa
AFR 150Africa in Cinema
AFR 192Modern African History
AFR 405African Studies Methodologies
AFR/WMNST 202African Feminisms
AFT 202/WMNST 202Gender Dynamics in Africa
AIR 451National Security, Leadership Responsibilities, and Commissioning Preparation I
ANTH 303Race and Gender in the Americas: Latin America and Caribbean Cultures (cross listed with AFAM 303, WMNST 303)
ANTH 424Andean Ethnology and Archaeology
ANTH 446Mating and Marriage
ANTH 458Ethnographic Field Methods
ANTH 45N/45QCultural Diversity: A Global Perspective
ANTH 60Society and Cultures in Modern Israel (cross listed with JST 60, PLSC 60, SOC 60)
APLNG 200Introduction to Language, Culture, and Social Interaction
APLNG 210Global English
APLNG 220Multilingual Lives
APLNG 280NConducting International Comparative Research
ARTH 120Asian Art and Architecture
ARTH 140Introduction to the Art and Architecture of the Mayas, Aztecs, and Incas
ARTH 225Sexuality and Modern Visual Culture
ARTH 326Art Since 1940
ARTH 335African Art
ASIA 100What is Asia?
ASIA 101NSports in Asia
ASIA 102Asian Popular Culture
ASIA 104Introduction to Buddhism
ASIA 105War and Memory in Asia: Twentieth Century and beyond
ASIA 106Asian Traditions of Health, Medicine, and the Body
ASIA 120YSouth Asia: A Literary History
ASIA 181Introduction to the Religions of China and Japan
ASIA 197/JAPNS 122Gods to Godzilla: A Survey of Japanese Culture
ASIA 3Introduction to the Religions of the East
ASIA 400International Culture in East Asia
ASIA 401Technology & Society in Modern Asia
ASIA 402Language, Culture and Cognition in East Asian Context
ASIA 403Food Cultures of Asia
ASIA 424Transnational Korean Literature
ASIA 425Global Korean Cinema
ASIA 430Japan in the World
ASIA 433Traveling Voices
ASIA 440Monuments of Asia
ASIA 474/JAPNS 426Early Modern Japan
ASIA/CHNS 414Chinese Language
ASIA/CHNS 415China Beyond China
ASIA/CHNS 416Gender and Sexuality in China
ASIA/CHNS 417The Warrior, the Courtesan and the Ghost in Classical Chinese Novels
ASIA/CHNS 418Confucius and the Great Books of China
ASIA/CHNS 419The Chinese Rhetorical Tradition
ASIA/HIST 174East Asia to 1800
ASIA/HIST 175The History of Modern East Asia
ASIA/HIST 186The Silk Roads
ASIA/HIST 187Global Taiwan
ASIA/JAPNS 430Japan in the World
ASIA/JAPNS 431Courtly Japan
ASIA/JAPNS 432War and the Warrior in Japan
ASIA/JAPNS 433Traveling Voices
ASIA/JAPNS 434Beyond Anime
ASIA/RLST 103Introduction to Hinduism
CAMS 004Jewish and Christian Foundations
CAMS 005Ancient Mediterranean Civilizations
CAMS 010Mesopotamian Civilization
CAMS 020Egyptian Civilization
CAMS 025Greek Civilization
CAMS 033Roman Civilization
CAMS 105 History of the Ancient Near East
CAMS 450YGender and Sexuality in Ancient Greece and Rome
CAMS 470Languages and Cultures of the Ancient Near East
CAMS 471Sumerian
CAS 271NIntercultural Communication
CAS 422Contemporary African American Communication
CAS 455Gender Roles in Communication
CHNS 421China Beyond China
CMLIT 003Intro to African Literature
CMLIT 004Intro to Asian Literature
CMLIT 005Literature of the Americas
CMLIT 007Introduction to Middle Eastern Literatures
CMLIT 010World Literatures
CMLIT 101Race, Gender and Identity in World Literature
CMLIT 107 Exploration, Travel, Migration, and Exile
CMLIT 130Banned Books: International and Comparative Perspectives
CMLIT 189Modern Drama
CMLIT 403Latina/o Literature and Culture
CMLIT 404Topics in Asian Literature
CMLIT 405Inter-American Literature
CMLIT 406Women and World Literature
CMLIT 408Heroic Literature
CMLIT 410Literary Translation: Theory and Practice
CMLIT 415World Graphic Novels
CMLIT 422African Drama
CMLIT 423African Novel
CMLIT 424 (ASIA 424; KOR 424) Transnational Korean Cinema
CMLIT 435Cultures of Globalization
CMLIT 438Fantastic Worlds
CMLIT 446Postcolonial Literature and Culture
CMLIT 449Literary Cultures of Islam
CMLIT 453/PORT 497Narrative Theory: Film and Literature/Through the Looking-Glass: Race in Brazil and the United States
CMLIT 455Ethics, Justice, and Rights in World Literature
CMLIT 470The Modern Novel
CMLIT 471Poetry and Poetics
CMLIT 489Contemporary World Fiction
CMLIT/ENGL 185The World Novel
CRIM 451Race, Crime, and Justice
CRIM 453 Women and the Criminal Justice System
DANCE 221Introduction to African Dance and Culture
EDTHP/SOC 410The Global Impact of Education
ENGL 120Difference in Early Literature
ENGL 135Alternative Voices in American Literature
ENGL 139African American Literature
ENGL 182Literature and Empire
ENGL 185World Novel
ENGL 225NSexuality and Modern Visual Culture
ENGL 226Latina and Latino Border Theories
ENGL 227Introduction to Queer Theory
ENGL 245/WMNST 245Introduction to LGBTQ Studies
ENGL 404Mapping Identity, Difference and Place
ENGL 407History of the English Language (which studies English as a global language)
ENGL 428Asian American Literatures
ENGL 466African American Novel I
ENGL 467African American Novel II
ENGL 486World Novel in English
FR 138NFrench Culture through Film
FR 139France and the Francophone World
FR 142French Fiction, Drama, and Film
FR 430Contemporary France
FR 458African Literature of French Expression
FR 470Race and Gender in Literature
FR 497French Protest Culture: From the French Revolution to the "Yellow Vest" Movement
FR 497Francophone Literature
GER 100German Culture and Civilization
GER 157NThe Amish
GER 189NGerman Film
GER 190Twentieth-Century German Literature in English Translation
GER 200Contemporary Germany
GER 245Vikings
GER/RUS 143The Culture of Stalinism and Nazism
HIST 153Native American History
HIST 164The History of Brazil
HIST 165Introduction to Islamic Civilization
HIST 416/JST 416Zionism
HIST 471YClassical Islamic Civilizations
HIST 472The Ottoman Empire
HIST/ASIA 174The History of Traditional East Asia
HIST/ASIA 183Gender, Family, and Society in East Asia
HIST/ASIA 186The Silk Roads
HIST/ASIA 188Tibet: People, Places, and Space
HIST/JST 220The Jewish and Other Diasporas
IT 130Italian Culture and Civilization
IT 131Italian American Culture and Civilization
IT 320Intro to Italian Culture
IT 325Italy's Inspiration for Your Life
IT 330WGreatest Books of Italian Literature
IT 415Dante
IT 422Topics in the Italian Renaissance
IT 430Italian Children's Literature
IT 450Nineteenth-Century Italian Literature
IT 460Twentieth-Century Italian Literature
IT 470Ghosts and Otherworldly Visions in Italy c. 1300-1600
IT 475Modern Italian Literature & Film (must have JR standing)
IT 485Italian American Cultural Studies
IT 490Dante in Translation
IT/WMST 480Italian Women Writers
JST 131/CMLIT 110Jewish Literature: An International Perspective
JST/SOC/ANTH 457Jewish Communities: Identity, Survival, and Transformation in Unexpected Places
KOR 121Korean Popular Culture
LER 403International Human Resource Studies
LHR 136Race, Gender, and Employment
LTNST 100Introduction to Latina/s Studies
LTNST 226Latina and Latino Border Theories
LTNST 300Latinx Gender and Sexuality Studies
LTNST 315NSpanish and Spanish-speakers in the U.S
LTNST 479U.S. Latina/o Culture en Español
LTNST/HIST 467Latin America and the United States
OLEAD 410Leadership in a Global Context
PHIL 008Gender Matters
PHIL 009Race, Racism, and Diversity
PHIL 114Feminist Philosophy
PHIL 139Latino/a Philosophy
PHIL 208Contemporary Philosophy
PHIL 408WSeminar in Social and Political Philosophy
PHIL 438Seminar in Feminist Philosophy
PHIL 460African American
PLSC 223NRacial and Ethnic Conflict
PLSC 428Gender and Politics
PLSC 443Ethnic Conflict in Africa
PLSC 449Psychology of Terrorism
PLSC 454Government and Politics of Africa
PLSC 459Culture and World Politics
PLSC 485International Migration
PLSC 486International Culture in East Asian
PLSC 497Arab-Israeli Conflict
PLSC 7N Contemporary Political Ideologies
PORT 473Luso-Brazilian Cinema
PSYCH 232Cross cultural Psychology
PUBPL 120NState, Society, and Public Policy
PUBPL 419Race and Public Policy
RLST 001Introduction to World Religions
RLST 137/WMNST 137Gender, Sexuality, and Religion
RLST 461Sociology of Religion
RLST/ARAB 164Introduction to the Qur'an
RLST/WMNST 280Gendering the Divine to Culture and Identity
RUS 100Russian Culture and Civilization
RUS 101Russian Film
RUS 141YRussian Literature in English Translation: 1800-1870
RUS 142YRussian Literature in Translation: 1870-present
RUS 144Multicultural Russia: Narratives of Race and Ethnicity in Russian Literature and Culture
RUS 145Putin’s Russia and Its Protest Culture
SOC 208NVisual Representations of the Middle East in the US and the Middle East
SOC 422World Population Diversity
SOC 451Health, Disease & Society
SOC 457Jewish Communities: Identity, Survival, and Transformation in Unexpected Places
SOC 461Sociology of Religion
SOC 60Societies and Cultures of Modern Israel
SPAN 130Iberian Civilization
SPAN 131Ibero-American Civilization
SPAN 305Spanish for Social Services
SPAN 315NSpanish and Spanish-speakers in the U.S.
SPAN 355Topics in the Cultures of Latin America
SPAN 356Topics in the Cultures of the Americas
SPAN 470Youth Cultures in Latin(a/o) America
SPAN 474Many Mexicos
SPAN 479U.S. Latina/o Culture en Español
SPAN/IT/PORT 210N Multilingual and Intercultural Communication
SPAN/LTNST 326Reading the Border/Lands
UKR 100Ukrainian Culture and Civilization
WMNST 105Living in a Diverse World
WMNST 106Women, Gender, and Arts
WMNST 117Women in United States History
WMNST 200Global Feminisms
WMNST 227Introduction to Queer Theory
WMNST 230NDangerous Bodies
WMNST 245/ENGL 245Introduction to LGBTQ Studies
WMNST 440WWomen in Global Cities
WMSNT 207NLGBTQ+ identity, culture, and the arts

Courses Outside the Liberal Arts

Course NumberCourse Title
AIR 451National Security, Leadership Responsibilities, and Commissioning Preparation I
ARTH 140Introduction to the Art and Architecture of the Mayas, Aztecs, and Incas
ARTH 225Sexuality and Modern Visual Culture
ARTH 326Art Since 1940
ARTH 335African Art
DANCE 221Introduction to African Dance and Culture

400 Level Courses With No Prerequisites

Course NumberCourse Title
ASIA 424Transnational Korean Literature
ASIA 425Global Korean Cinema
CMLIT 403Latina/o Literature and Culture
CMLIT 405Inter-American Literature
CMLIT 408Heroic Literature
CMLIT 415World Graphic Novels
CMLIT 423African Novel
CMLIT 435Cultures of Globalization
CMLIT 449Literary Cultures of Islam
CMLIT 453/PORT 497Narrative Theory: Film and Literature/Through the Looking-Glass: Race in Brazil and the United States
CMLIT 470The Modern Novel
CMLIT 489Contemporary World Fiction
HIST 416/JST 416Zionism
HIST 471YClassical Islamic Civilizations
IT 475Modern Italian Literature & Film (must have JR standing)
LTNST/HIST 467Latin America and the United States
PLSC 459Culture and World Politics

Majors should select 21 credits in the Option courses.

  • 15 credits of these 21 will be in a single Option concentration (no more than 6 credits towards the Option completion are to be from courses in a single department).
  • 6 credits of these 21 are from other Options.
  • At least 12 credits must be taken at the 400 level or higher.